This year I joined up with the international public speaking organisation Toastmasters. Luckily, I’ve found a club that is both friendly and extremely talented. I haven’t got all the nerves under control yet, so it’s helpful that they aren’t too scary.
So far, I’ve gotten through the first two set speeches in the ten speech programme. I think they’ve generally gone alright, and I think I’m improving. Still, eight more to go. In case they can help anyone else, or provide some ideas, I’m putting the original text of the speeches here on the blog. Of course, they weren’t delivered word-perfect, and didn’t quite go as planned, but you can see the vision.
- Competent Communicator (CC) Speech #1 – Ice-breaking Journeys. This was to introduce myself a bit to the club, and experience the whole “speak and be evaluated” thing on a topic I should’ve known a little bit about: me.
- Competent Communicator (CC) Speech #2 – Auction Tactics. For this speech, I tried (and failed) to do it without notes. Probably should’ve rehearsed it more. Those who read this blog will notice this is a version of a previous blog post.